One curious effect of the PC release of Street Fighter IV is that once you've got the code in a PC environment, it's not too difficult, for those who know a little bit about such things (and I'm not one of them) to create some custom mods. Much of what I've seen on youtube as custom mods to the game come in the form of fan-made costumes.
Here, for example, is a Goth chick Sakura vs. a SFA Chun-Li (she actually has since gotten an official SFA costume released, of course.)
Here's Cammy and Chun-Li as DC villains Harley Quinn and Catwoman.
Perhaps predictably, most mods that I've seen tend to be around making the girls wearing something sexier than they already are. Here's Cammy and Chun-Li in fishnet bodysuits.
Needless to say, it's not too hard to find that some enterprising and predictably juvenile gamer has made skins that make the girls fight stark naked.
Here's a more complicated mod---one that creates Terry Bogard in SF4, including signature Terry moves. Kinda neat. Robert might just be a skin here; not sure.
Here's a Ryu vs. Ryu match, with Ryu cosplaying as Iori Yagami and Joe Higashi respectively. In Spanish, no less.