Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nightmare Symbiosis

After thinking that it had completely disappeared from the 'net, I managed to stumble across a web archive version of Nightmare Symbiosis, the best claim I know of for a truly good fanfic based on karate supers. In this case, it's a Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters themed fanfiction.

It does suffer from spending a lot of time on set-up, and then almost slapdashedly finishing the story off, but... it's fanfic. It's still fun to read, and miles above the embarrassingly bad stuff one normally finds.


Anonymous said...

I never finished SFvsKOF so the ending couldn't have been slapdash lol.

Desdichado said...

Well, that would sure explain the slapdash nature of it then, wouldn't it! I remember thinking that it did appear to finish, just... really suddenly.

Guess I need to reread or something.

Ari Rockefeller said...

I miss this story. Shame it fell off before the tournament itself started...